Dropbox has a 'Share' feature which allows you to share photos, videos, files or folder with family and friends. It creates a link to the file with which you can email or copy and paste into instant messages, text messages or any other of your favorite applications. To share a link to photos on Android phone, download and install 'Dropbox' app on your Android phone. Open 'Dropbox' app and select the downward arrow to the right of the file. Click 'Share' button from the menu and select 'email' option. Enter the email addresses of your friends and tap "Send" button. Your friends will get an email with a link. They can open the link via any web browser. You can share your link on any other applications which you like. Dropbox will automatically detect the apps installed on your Android phone which are capable of sharing links. You just need to select the app which you which you want to use and share the link to photos, videos or file.
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