Instagram has a 'Instagram Direct' feature which allows you to send private photos and videos with a caption to other users. It is a private messaging service which is used to send a photo to any other user, whether both of you are following each other or not. You can easily take back the photos and videos which you send via Instagram Direct by deleting them. If you send a photo or video to your friend and you notice that he has just viewed it, then you can delete it from your Instagram. After deleting it from Instagram Direct, your friend will no longer be able to view it. It will disappear from his Instagram Direct feed. To delete photos or videos from Instagram Direct feed, open Instagram app on your Android phone. Go to your home page and tap 'Instagram Direct' icon located at the top right corner on the screen. Open the photo or video and tap 'Three vertical dots' located at the top right corner on the screen. Tap 'Delete' button. This is how you can take back the photos and videos you send via Instagram Direct.
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