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How to Pause The Flickr Uploadr for Windows?

Flickr Uploadr is a powerful tool that allows users to seamlessly upload photos and videos from their computers to their Flickr accounts. However, there are times when you might need to pause Flickr Uploadr on Windows, whether to manage bandwidth, troubleshoot issues, or simply take a break from uploading. This guide provides a comprehensive look at how to pause Flickr Uploadr on Windows, complete with step-by-step instructions, troubleshooting tips, and alternative solutions.

Flickr Uploadr is designed to make the process of uploading media files to your Flickr account as simple and automatic as possible. It runs in the background, continuously syncing new files from specified folders on your computer. While this automation is convenient, it can sometimes interfere with other activities, especially if you need to conserve bandwidth or system resources.

Why Pause Flickr Uploadr?

Pausing Flickr Uploadr can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • Bandwidth Management: Uploading large files can consume significant bandwidth, affecting other online activities.
  • System Performance: Continuous uploading can strain system resources, impacting performance.
  • Troubleshooting: Temporarily pausing the uploader can help diagnose and fix issues.
  • User Control: Gives you more control over when and what files are uploaded.

How to Pause Flickr Uploadr on Windows

Step-by-Step Guide

Pausing Flickr Uploadr on Windows is straightforward. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Locate the Flickr Uploadr Icon: In the system tray (bottom-right corner of the screen), find the Flickr Uploadr icon. It looks like a small camera.
  2. Right-Click the Icon: Right-click on the Flickr Uploadr icon to open the context menu.
  3. Select Pause: From the menu, select the 'Pause' option. This will temporarily halt all uploading activities.
  4. Confirm Pausing: Ensure that the uploading process has been paused by checking the status in the Flickr Uploadr interface.

Resuming Uploads

To resume uploads:

  1. Right-Click the Icon Again: Open the context menu by right-clicking the icon.
  2. Select Resume: Choose the 'Resume' option to continue uploading your files.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Flickr Uploadr Not Responding

If Flickr Uploadr is not responding:

  • Restart the Application: Close and reopen Flickr Uploadr.
  • Check for Updates: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Flickr Uploadr.
  • Reinstall the Application: Uninstall and then reinstall Flickr Uploadr if issues persist.

Uploads Stuck in Progress

For stuck uploads:

  • Pause and Resume: Try pausing and then resuming the uploads.
  • Check Internet Connection: Ensure your internet connection is stable.
  • File Corruption: Verify that the files are not corrupted.

Advanced Tips for Managing Flickr Uploadr

Adjusting Upload Settings

Flickr Uploadr offers various settings to customize your upload experience:

  • Selective Sync: Choose specific folders to sync, reducing unnecessary uploads.
  • Bandwidth Limiting: Limit the upload speed to manage bandwidth usage.

Using Task Manager to Pause Flickr Uploadr

You can use the Task Manager to pause Flickr Uploadr:

  1. Open Task Manager: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  2. Find Flickr Uploadr: Locate Flickr Uploadr in the list of processes.
  3. End Task: Select 'End Task' to stop the uploader temporarily.

Schedule Uploads

Use task scheduling tools to automate when Flickr Uploadr runs:

  • Task Scheduler: Use Windows Task Scheduler to set specific times for Flickr Uploadr to run, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with other activities.

Alternatives to Flickr Uploadr

If Flickr Uploadr is causing too many issues, consider these alternatives:

Manual Upload via Web Browser

Manually upload photos and videos directly from your web browser to Flickr. This method gives you complete control over the uploading process.

Third-Party Upload Tools

Several third-party tools offer similar functionality with additional features:

  • Shoebox: Offers automatic backup and syncing with customizable settings.
  • Google Photos: A versatile alternative with robust uploading and organization features.

Quick Tip to ensure your videos never go missing

Download PicBackMan

Videos are precious memories and all of us never want to ever lose them to hard disk crashes or missing drives. PicBackMan is the easiest and simplest way to keep your videos safely backed up in one or more online accounts. Simply Download PicBackMan
(it’s free!), register your account, connect to your online store and tell PicBackMan where your videos are – PicBackMan does the rest, automatically. It bulk uploads all videos and keeps looking for new ones and uploads those too. You don’t have to ever touch it.


How do I pause Flickr Uploadr on Windows? To pause Flickr Uploadr, right-click the icon in the system tray and select 'Pause'. Confirm the status to ensure uploads are halted.

Can I limit the upload speed of Flickr Uploadr? Yes, you can limit the upload speed in the settings menu of Flickr Uploadr. This helps manage bandwidth usage.

What should I do if Flickr Uploadr is not responding? Try restarting the application, checking for updates, or reinstalling Flickr Uploadr. Ensure your internet connection is stable.

Are there alternatives to Flickr Uploadr for Windows? Yes, alternatives include manual uploads via a web browser, Shoebox, and Google Photos. Each offers unique features and benefits.

How can I troubleshoot stuck uploads in Flickr Uploadr? Pause and resume the uploads, check your internet connection, and ensure the files are not corrupted. Restarting the application may also help.

Can I schedule when Flickr Uploadr runs? Yes, you can use Windows Task Scheduler to set specific times for Flickr Uploadr to run, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with other activities.


Pausing Flickr Uploadr on Windows is a straightforward process that can help manage system resources, bandwidth, and troubleshooting efforts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily pause and resume uploads, adjust
settings for optimal performance, and explore alternative uploading solutions if needed. Whether you are a professional photographer or a casual user, having control over your uploading process can enhance your overall experience with

For further reading and detailed guides, check out these external resources:

By taking control of your uploading process, you can ensure a smooth and efficient workflow, keeping your photo library organized and up-to-date without unnecessary interruptions.

253+ Reviews & Counting

Kip Roof testimonial Kip Roofgoogle photos flickr
PicBackMan does exactly what it's supposed to. It's quick and efficient. It runs unobtrusively in the background and has done an excellent job of uploading more than 300GB of photos to 2 different services. After having lost a lot of personal memories to a hard drive crash, it's nice to know that my photos are safe in 2 different places.
Julia Alyea Farella testimonialJulia Alyea Farella smugmug
LOVE this program! Works better than ANY other program out there that I have found to upload thousands of pictures WITH SUB-FOLDERS to SmugMug! Thank you so much for what you do! :) #happycustomer
Pausing Motion testimonialPausingMotionsmugmug
I pointed PicBackMan at a directory structure, and next time I looked - all the photos had uploaded! Pretty cool. I use SmugMug and while I really like it, the process of creating directories in is pretty laborious when you need to make 80+ at a time. This was a breeze. Thank you!
Gavin Whitham testimonialGavin Whithamflickr
PicBackMan was really easy to setup and has been running for 3 days now backing up all my locally saved photos to Flickr. My photos are really valuable to me so it's great to be able to have them easily backed up to a secure location.
 Jim Griffin testimonialJim Griffinsmugmug
It's AWESOME!! I have tens of thousands of pictures...and they are now successfully uploaded to SmugMug, where they are safely backed up, and I can edit and organize them. If you are hesitating about using PicBackMan, hesitate no longer...try it...and you'll be glad you did!!
Robert testimonialRobertonedrive
I started with the basic plan, went to premium and now on their platinum plan and it's more than worth the price for me. PicBackMan has saved me many tedious hours of effort moving many files between my various cloud and photo site services and my local computers.
Pausing Motion testimonialVladdropbox
I am very satisfied and surprised at the same time with Pic BackMan. The service is very good and useful. I used it to transfer my photos from Dropbox to my Flickr accound. I highly recomment it.
Dave testimonialDavesmugmug
PicBackMan was an answer to many a prayer. How can I get this MASSIVE collection of photos onto a service that cripples uploading? PicBackMan. I uploaded approximately 85,000 photos in less than a month. It would have taken me close to a year to get all of those photos where they needed to go. Nothing short of brilliant.
Barry Graham testimonialBarry Grahamflickr
Great tool for enduring your photos are always safely backed up. I backed up tens of thousands of photos and dozens of videos to Flickr in my 1st couple of months using PicBackMan. Would unreservedly recommend as it works seamlessly and copies your photos to Flickr in sets which reflect your folders.
Achal Gupta testimonialAchal Guptaflickr
This is a fantastic piece of software! I wanted to backup 100+ gigs worth of original sized photos to Flickr and after trying many many tools, PickBacMan was the one that finally worked. It worked flawlessly for 10 straight days uploading all my photos without a single error/ timeout/ crash. Absolutely amazing! I didn't try the other premium features but the ability to replicate stuff across multiple...