How to Share Photos from Flickr to Instagram on iPhone?

Shreyas Patil SEO
Shreyas PatilUpdated :
How to Share Photos from Flickr to Instagram on iPhone

Sharing photos between different apps and platforms can sometimes be tricky. However, moving images from Flickr to Instagram on your iPhone is easy with just a few simple steps. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through everything you need to know to seamlessly transfer photos from Flickr to Instagram, so you can have all your favorite images in one place to share with friends and followers.

Prerequisites for Sharing Flickr Photos on Instagram

Before we dive into the step-by-step instructions, there are a couple of requirements you need to fulfill in order to share Flickr photos to Instagram on your iPhone:

Have an Active Flickr Account

First, you need to have an active Flickr account with photos uploaded that you want to share on Instagram. Flickr is a top photo sharing platform where users can store images online for free up to 1TB of space.

To sign up for a Flickr account:

  • Go to on your mobile browser or desktop.

    Flickr Account

  • Click on "Join Flickr" at the top right.
  • Enter your name, email address, and password to create your account.
  • Confirm your email address in the activation link sent to your inbox.

Once your account is activated, you can use the Flickr mobile app or website to upload photos you want to later share to Instagram.

Have the Instagram App Installed

Secondly, you need to have Instagram installed on your iPhone. The Instagram app is free to download from the App Store.

To get Instagram:

  • Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  • Search for "Instagram".
  • Tap "Get" to download and install the app.
  • Register for an Instagram account if you don't already have one.

With Flickr and Instagram ready to go, you can move on to the steps for transferring photos.

How to Share Photos from Flickr to Instagram on iPhone

Sharing images from Flickr to Instagram is straightforward with just a handful of steps using the share options in Flickr.

Here is the complete process:

Step 1: Open the Flickr App and Select a Photo

First, launch the Flickr app on your iPhone. Browse and select a photo in your Flickr library that you want to share on Instagram.

Tap on the photo to open it in full screen view.

Step 2: Tap on the Share Icon

At the bottom of the photo in Flickr, you will see a share icon (typically a box with an arrow pointing up). Tap on the share icon.

This will open up a sharing menu with various options.

Step 3: Choose "Copy Link"

From the share menu, tap on "Copy Link". This will copy the direct URL link to the Flickr photo to your clipboard.

Step 4: Switch to the Instagram App

Double press the home button on your iPhone and swipe up to close the Flickr app. This will take you back to your home screen.

Next, open up the Instagram app so we can paste the Flickr photo link.

Step 5: Paste the Flickr Photo Link in Instagram

From your Instagram feed, tap on the camera icon in the top left corner to start a new post.

In the caption field, hold your finger down until the "Paste" option appears. Tap paste to paste the Flickr photo link you copied earlier into the caption area.

Step 6: Post the Image to Instagram

Once the link is pasted, the Flickr photo will appear in your Instagram post automatically.

You can then edit the image and apply filters if desired. When ready, tap on "Next" and configure the post settings.

Finally, tap on "Share" to post the Flickr photo directly to Instagram!

And that's all it takes to quickly and easily share photos from Flickr to Instagram on your iPhone. The direct link method makes transferring images a breeze.

Tips for Sharing Great Flickr Photos on Instagram

Now that you know how to move Flickr photos to Instagram, here are some helpful expert tips to share eye-catching images that will stand out in your Instagram feed:

Optimize Images for Instagram

  • Crop photos to fit Instagram's square aspect ratio.
  • Use the Instagram layout grid for ideal image composition.
  • Apply filters and editing to create cohesive aesthetic.

Add Relevant Hashtags

  • Include a mix of popular and niche hashtags.
  • Place lower-volume tags in the comments.
  • Research trending hashtags around topics and locations.

Engage Your Instagram Followers

  • Share fun facts, stories, and context about your photos.
  • Ask questions and prompt discussion in the caption.
  • Reply to comments and interact with your community.

Post at Prime Times

  • Schedule posts for when your audience is most active.
  • Post frequently, but avoid flooding your audience.
  • Analyze Instagram Insights to find your top posting times.

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Common Issues When Sharing Flickr to Instagram

While sharing Flickr photos to Instagram is straightforward, you may encounter a few issues along the way. Here are some common problems and solutions:

Can't Find Share Option in Flickr

If you don't see the share icon in Flickr, first make sure you have the latest version of the Flickr app installed. Older versions may not have the updated share menu.

Also, check that you are viewing the full-size photo page and not just a thumbnail grid, as that view doesn't have sharing capability.

Link Not Pasting in Instagram

If the Flickr link won't paste into Instagram, the issue is usually that the link is not actually copied. Go back to Flickr and carefully select the "Copy Link" option again. Then paste it once more in Instagram.

Flickr Image Won't Load in Instagram

In rare cases, the Flickr link will paste but the photo won't appear. This is typically caused by a bad or expired link. Go back and re-copy the Flickr photo's link to get a fresh URL that loads properly.

Can't Post Flickr Photos to Instagram Feed

If your Instagram feed won't allow posting Flickr photos via links at all, you likely have a restricted account. Instagram prohibits some accounts from posting links as an anti-spam measure. You will need to contact Instagram support to remove the restriction.


Moving photos from Flickr to Instagram is fast and simple with the direct link sharing method for iPhone. With your images and hashtags integrated across both platforms, you can expand your reach and audience for your photography.

Use these best practices for optimizing your shared photos, avoiding common issues, and effectively engaging your followers across Flickr and Instagram. Quickly build your community and establish your photo sharing presence across multiple networks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sharing Flickr to Instagram

Here are answers to some of the most common questions around transferring Flickr photos to Instagram:

Does Flickr have a direct sharing feature to Instagram?

A: Unfortunately no. Flickr does not have built-in integration to share directly to Instagram. You need to use the link method outlined in this guide.

Can I share full Flickr photo albums to Instagram?

A: There is no automated way to share entire Flickr albums to Instagram. You would need to manually copy the link and share each photo one-by-one.

Does the original Flickr photo quality transfer to Instagram?

A: No, Instagram will compress and reduce the Flickr image quality on upload. For best results, edit and optimize photos for Instagram before sharing.

Can I cross-post photos from Instagram back to Flickr?

A: Yes! Use third-party apps like IFTTT to automatically save your Instagram photos to Flickr as a backup.

Do my Flickr photos appear in Instagram Hashtags if shared?

A: Yes, any hashtag used on your shared Flickr photos in Instagram will populate and be searchable in those tag feeds.

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