It is always fun and exciting to watch fireworks explode in the sky. The burst of colorful light in the sky is always a treat for your eyes. The Firework shows are always spectacular to watch. Unfortunately when we capture these fireworks in pictures, they don't tend to appeal much as they do to the naked eye. Somehow, the photographs of fireworks usually don't come out really well. They are not close to the real thing. So, if your tired of those blurred, grainy and dark or overexposed photos of the festivities, read on. Photographing fireworks is indeed challenging, but not impossible. With a little knowledge about you camera settings and feature, you can capture those amazing photos of fireworks. Following we have listed some easy-to-follow tips for you to capture better photos of festivities and fireworks. 1. No flash & no Auto mode : The first thing to learn to photograph fireworks is to turn off your camera flash and switch to manual mode. 2. Turning on the manual mode allows you to control exposure & aperture settings. Playing around with these settings will help you click pictures of illuminating fireworks. 3. Set ISO and aperture settings. To start with set your ISO to 100 and aperture ( measured in 'f' stops) to f/11 and shutter speed as 1/2 seconds. If the photos look too dark or dim, you can change the shutter speed. 4. A little work needs to be done in advance. Finalize the place from where you'll capture fireworks. Think about your foreground and background elements of the scene. Before it gets dark, manually set the focus of the screen. Focus on an area of sky where the fireworks will be, or on an object at the same distance. 5. To capture illuminating fireworks like the professional photographers do, you need a long exposure and a slow shutter speed. And for this your camera has to be super stable. A little shake can ruin your picture completely. Use a tripod for such settings where the shutter speed is slow.
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