If you are a novice photographer and want to improve how your Instagram pictures look, then following are some very simple and easy tips you must read. These tips will help you lead to much more interesting images in your Instagram feed no matter how proficient you are with your Instagram.
Shoot in black and white
Like many other photo apps, Instagram too offers you to click pictures in black and white. Sometimes the absence of colors add a lot of drama and meaning to your pictures. Black and white is one such effect. You can apply the black and white filter to your Instagram picture after you have captured it. Instagram's black and white filter add dramatic effects to otherwise plain looking pictures.
Shoot from a different perspective
Shooting things from a different and a new angle will give an entire new perspective. Break the habit of shooting pictures with your smartphone at the eye-level. Instead, explore new levels to take pictures. Get to lower levels or stand on something at a height to shoot things down.
Move closer
The smartphone cameras we use these days have relatively wide depth-of-field as compared to other point and shoot or DSLR cameras. A wider depth-of-field means that nearly everything in the scene is always in focus. So, if you want to capture your subject with a blurred background (like in case of DSLR photography), move a little close to your main subject. Most of the smartphones will allow you to shoot from as close distance (appx. 3 to 6 inches from your subject). So, by getting close to your subject.
Set the scene
Photography is all about capturing the MOMENT. Most of the art photography is about waiting for moments to happen. Like many other professional photographers do, spend some time in planning what to shoot, when to shoot and how to shoot. Professional photographers tend to spend a lot of time on thinking about a hot, which is impractical for people like us. So, instead of spending whole day, spend some time at least.
Shoot during Golden hour
You should always ( when ever possible) shoot during
Golden hour to get that natural magical effect in your Instagram photos. The light during the first or last hour of daylight is great for all kinds of photography. The light during this time of the day creates a warm golden glow in the scene. A low-lying sun also means that you can avoid harsh shadows & light created by harsh & bright midday sunlight.