There are some photo collages which bring a smile to your face and lets you connect with the photos used in it. And then there are some collages which are plain hideous and a complete eyesore.
So what are the things that people are doing wrong when they end up with a bad photo collage? What are the common blunders which people commit, knowingly or unknowingly? What are the mistakes one must steer clear of while planning and making a collage of fantastic photos?
2. People usually start pasting photos on the page directly, without colour correcting them. Avoid this. Always edit your photos and then only use those in your collage. Most collage-making software come with photo editing tools, so use that.
3. Try not to cramp in too many photos in too little a space. Let the photos breath, leave some margin between them here and there. Too many images just looks messy and cluttered.
4. Ever seen a cut-out of your friend taken out of a whole photo that has a ghost arm on his shoulder? Or maybe his own feet from knee-down are missing as he was standing behind a table? Avoid these disastrous cut-outs right away.
5. Do not leave collages without any heading or text, which gives a slight idea about the collage. What the collage is about and who are in it, at least these things should be clear to anyone who is viewing it and not in it.
Quick Tip to Keep your Photos Safe
Making backups of your photos & videos is a chore you probably skip, but it really doesn't have to be hard. Here's an effortless way to backup photos - PicBackMan. PicBackMan is the easiest and simplest way to keep your photos safely backed up in one or more online accounts. Simply download PicBackMan (it's free!), register your account, connect to your online store and tell PicBackMan where your photos are - PicBackMan does the rest, automatically. It bulk uploads all photos and keeps looking for new ones and uploads those too. You don't have to ever touch it.
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