Automate backup & migration of your photos & videos with support for all top services.
Trusted by users in 125+ countries.
Has your uploaded photo on SmugMug got a washed out look? Do you wish to tweak its color and contrasts? You can easily apply color effects to photos on SmugMug. Check the following procedure to apply it.
If you want to apply color effects to multiple uploaded photos on SmugMug, select the photos and simply click the wrench icon on your Organizer and follow the similar procedure.
Quick tip: With SmugMug, have you struggled to upload large sized photo and video collections? We ALL have. It is time consuming, slow, ridden with problems and just not a great experience. If you feel the same, then try PicBackMan today – it is the fastest SmugMug uploader/downloader for photos and videos that has it’s users raving about it.