The beautiful peaks and valleys, the majestic mountains make a breathtaking view, and a wedding nestled in mountains makes a romantic memory of a lifetime. Mountain wedding photography can have its very own challenges, but with a planned and confident approach to the photo-shoot, as a photographer you will have perfect captures and some really satisfied clients. Here are some simple tips for the mountain wedding photography, which you are about to venture into:
Mountain Wedding Photography Tips for Amateurs
1. Plan and be prepared
The terrain of the mountains will present some unique challenges. It is best to be prepared for the terrain, the weather and the intricacies of the wedding. Plan for backups and emergency kits. Research well, talk to your clients, this will help understand their viewpoint on the mountain wedding venue and also help you connect dots to their story, which will be a base to your photo-shoot. The rugged terrain may require some really good planning elements. Keep in mind for the photo shoot, that there will be varied wedding guests, who have their own take to movement if needed and some may have altitude issues.
2. Natural Backdrops
The majestic mountains will make perfect backdrops, explore the terrain and try and pick your best spots for the photo-shoot. Use the natural surroundings, which will give that added romantic touch to your captures. Keep an open eye and look out for some good photographing opportunities.
3. Lighting
The challenge of outdoor wedding, poses its own challenges. Every photographer would vie for perfect natural lighting conditions to capture their subjects. At heights the weather could pose extremes, so be prepared for some really harsh sunlight or a cloudy day. Tweak the ISO settings; use wide aperture values, consider use of reflectors.
4. Go wide
You could consider photo shooting wide angle to capture both your subjects are also the backdrop of the beautiful mountains. Going wide needs practice, so try your hand and wide angle, practice well, before you take your final shots.
5. Use Tripod
Consider using tripod for enhancing you captures. This will help you have the precision when you frame your captures, and is also good for panoramic photography, and you would wish not to capture.