How to Share Photo Album from OneDrive with others?

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How to Share Photo Album from OneDrive with others

OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud storage service that allows you to store your photos, documents, and other files online. With OneDrive, you can create photo albums to organize your pictures and then easily share those albums with others.

Sharing photo albums from OneDrive is a great way to collaborate on projects with coworkers, share vacation pics with friends and family, or work with clients by providing them access to your photos. OneDrive makes it simple to share your albums while also controlling permissions so you can decide who can view, edit, or download the photos.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about sharing OneDrive photo albums with other people.

Steps to Share a OneDrive Photo Album

Sharing a photo album from OneDrive only takes a few simple steps:

Steps to Share a OneDrive Photo Album

  1. Upload photos to OneDrive and organize them into an album
  2. Decide how you want to share the album - view only, allow editing, etc.
  3. Get a shareable link for the album
  4. Send the link to people via email, messaging apps, social media, etc.
  5. Recipients can then view the album with the permissions you set

Below we'll explore each of these steps in more detail, including tips and options for controlling access and customizing the sharing settings.

1. Upload Photos to OneDrive and Organize into an Album

The first step is to get your photos uploaded into OneDrive in the first place. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Upload from your computer - You can manually upload photos and videos from your computer into OneDrive folders and organize them into albums. Just drag and drop your files.
  • Camera upload - Use the OneDrive mobile app to automatically upload photos/videos from your phone or tablet's camera. It will upload them to a Camera Roll folder and you can then organize into albums.
  • Import from Facebook - OneDrive can import your Facebook photo albums into the service. Just connect your Facebook account in OneDrive's settings.

Once your photos are in OneDrive, you can create albums to organize them:

  • In the web interface, click New > Album and give it a name
  • In the mobile apps, tap the + icon and choose New album
  • You can create nested folder structures and organize your photos however you like

2. Decide How You Want to Share the Album

OneDrive gives you lots of flexibility in how you share albums. Consider these options:

  • View only - Recipients can only view photos but not download or edit
  • Allow editing - Recipients can add, delete or modify photos in the album
  • Allow downloading - Recipients can download full resolution versions of the photos
  • Time limited access - Set an expiration date for access to the album
  • Password protected - Require a password to access the shared album
  • Get a link - Generate a shareable link instead of directly inviting people

Think about how much access you want to provide and what collaboration capabilities are needed. The more permissions, the more your recipients can do with the album.

3. Get a Shareable Link for the Album

To share a OneDrive photo album, you need to get a link to send out. Here are steps to get the link:

In OneDrive web:

  1. Select the album and click Share
  2. Click Get a link
  3. Choose the link type - View only, Allow editing, etc.
  4. Copy the link

In OneDrive mobile app:

  1. Tap the 3-dot menu on the album
  2. Tap Share then Get link
  3. Tap link type and Copy link

You can toggle the link permissions later if needed. But now you have a link to share for accessing the album.

4. Send the Link to People You Want to Share With

Once you've copied the shareable link for the OneDrive photo album, you just need to send it to the people you want to grant access.

You can share OneDrive album links:

  • In an email
  • Text/SMS message
  • Social media posts or messages
  • Instant messaging apps
  • Shared documents like Google Docs or Word Online
  • Anywhere links are supported

The link will take recipients directly to the shared album where they can view or edit the photos if you allowed that.

5. Recipients Can Now Access the Shared Album

That's it! Once you've completed the steps to get the shareable link for a OneDrive photo album and sent it to recipients, they can simply click the link to open the album and view the photos based on the permissions you set.

Some things to note:

  • They don't need a OneDrive account, it works with any email address
  • Shared albums remain private - the link does not expose photos publicly
  • If permissions change, the link will automatically reflect that for recipients
  • You can disable the link later if you no longer want to share the album

Now let's take a look at some tips for customizing and managing your shared OneDrive photo albums.

Tips for Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums

Here are some handy tips and tricks to improve the experience of sharing photo albums from OneDrive with others:

Customize Shared Album Permissions

In OneDrive, you can easily change the permissions on a shared album link at any time:

  • In web, click Share then Change link permissions
  • In mobile, tap the 3-dot menu, Share, Change link permissions

This allows you to upgrade or downgrade access as needed after the link has been sent out.

Set Link Expiration Dates

To limit access to a timeframe, you can set an expiration date on shared album links:

  • In web, choose Set expiration date when getting the link
  • In mobile, tap Set expiration date after tapping Get link

The link will automatically expire and stop working after that date.

Require Email Sign-In for Added Security

For an extra layer of security, you can require recipients to sign-in with a Microsoft account before accessing the album:

  • In web, toggle Require sign-in when getting the link
  • In mobile, switch on Require sign-in after tapping Get link

This ensures only authorized recipients you invited can see the album.

Customize Shared Album Name

By default, the shared album name is the same as your private album name. But you can customize it:

  • In web, click the 3-dot menu on album > Edit shared album info > rename it
  • In mobile, tap the 3-dot menu on album > Edit shared album > rename it

This is useful if you want a different public name.

Share Albums Directly with Office 365 Groups

If you have an Office 365 Groups connected to your organization's Teams, Outlook, or SharePoint:

  1. Get the group email address
  2. Enter it when sharing the album to give the entire group access

No need to share the link individually with each group member.

Send Album Updates to Recipients

When you add new photos to a shared album, recipients don't get notified by default. But you can send update emails:

  1. In web interface, click the 3-dot menu on album
  2. Choose Email update to recipients
  3. Pick recipients and send the email

This lets them know new photos were added to the shared album.

More Options for Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums

In addition to getting a standard sharable link, OneDrive offers a few other ways to share your photo albums.

Embed an Album in a Webpage

You can embed a OneDrive photo album on any webpage or site:

  1. Get the Embed code for the album
  2. Paste the code into your webpage HTML
  3. The album appears as a widget on your site

This method displays the album publicly while still enforcing any viewing restrictions you set.

Share Albums on Social Media

When you want to showcase photos on social media directly from OneDrive:

  • Post albums to Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn
  • Shared albums get their own social media link
  • Comments and likes appear in OneDrive activity

It creates a 2-way connection with your social channels.

Collaborate Using Microsoft Teams

If your organization uses Teams, you can share OneDrive albums directly in a team channel.

Just click Share to a Teams channel when sharing the album. This allows everyone in that team workspace to access the album.

Use Apps Like Power BI and Stream for Previews

Other Microsoft 365 apps can provide interactive previews of shared OneDrive photo albums:

  • Power BI - View albums in a Power BI dashboard
  • Microsoft Stream - Watch albums in video format like a slideshow
  • Office apps - View album previews when inserting pictures

No need to download the photos, just access them dynamically.

Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums with People Outside Your Organization

If you use OneDrive for work provided by your employer or school, there are a couple additional things to keep in mind when sharing photo albums externally with people outside your organization.

Share Albums from Your Personal OneDrive

Your organization may limit sharing from your work OneDrive to only internal people for security reasons. But your personal OneDrive associated with that account has no restrictions.

You can copy albums from your work OneDrive into your personal OneDrive and then generate a shareable link from there to provide access to anyone.

Request External Sharing Access

If you want to share albums directly from your work OneDrive with external recipients, you may need to request special permissions:

  1. Contact your IT administrator
  2. Ask them to enable external sharing on your account
  3. This allows you to create shareable links for anyone

Some organizations require end users to go through this approval process before externally sharing files like photo albums.

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Troubleshooting Problems with Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums

Here are some common problems you may encounter when trying to share OneDrive photo albums and how to fix them:

Recipient Can't Access the Shared Album

If someone says they can't view the album using your shared link, check that:

  • The link has not expired if you set an expiration date
  • You did not later disable the link after sending it out initially
  • External sharing is allowed if trying to share outside your organization
  • The recipient's email address matches what you shared it with

Resend a new link if needed.

Shared Links Keep Getting Disabled Automatically

Some organizations automatically disable shared links after a period of time as a security policy.

You can request your IT admin to exclude your OneDrive from this policy if you need links that persist indefinitely without expiring.

Can't Share Albums Externally Due to Permission Errors

Double-check that external sharing is enabled on your OneDrive by your admin. If not, you need to submit a request to allow external sharing access.

Recipients Can't Edit Shared Albums

The share permissions likely only allow viewing if recipients can't add or remove photos.

Generate a new link and choose "Allow editing" to permit changes. Or change the existing link's permissions.

Too Many Visits from Your Shared Link

OneDrive may temporarily disable a link if very high volumes of visits happen in a short window, suspecting potential malware or unauthorized use.

Simply generate a new fresh link and re-share it with your recipients after a day or two.

Best Practices for Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums

Follow these best practices when sharing OneDrive photo albums for the best experience:

  • Test that your links work before widely sharing them
  • Use view-only links by default, upgrade if editing is needed
  • Require email sign-in for sensitive albums
  • Set expirations on links shared externally or publicly
  • Avoid making albums completely public
  • Turn on OneDrive feature to notify recipients of new photos
  • Remind recipients to use incognito browsing to avoid login prompts
  • Disable unused links rather than letting them expire
  • Name shared albums differently than private versions
  • Check the shared link still works periodically and re-share if needed
  • Leverage Teams or Groups rather than individual sharing when possible


Sharing photo albums seamlessly from OneDrive makes it simple to collaborate with others on your pictures. Whether you want to provide view-only access, allow editing abilities, require sign-in, or set expiration dates, OneDrive's album sharing capabilities have you covered with tons of customization options.

Use the album sharing techniques in this guide to safely grant access to your photos on OneDrive while maintaining full control over permissions and settings. Just upload your photos, organize into albums, generate a shareable link with the access levels you want, and send it out to your desired recipients.

OneDrive photo album sharing saves you from the hassles of manually sending images and provides an optimized environment for cooperating on photos with your team, family, friends, clients and anyone else. Take advantage of all the helpful tips provided here to get the most out of sharing your OneDrive albums.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sharing OneDrive Photo Albums

Here are answers to some common questions people have about sharing OneDrive photo albums:

How many people can access a shared album link?

There is no limit to the number of recipients who can use a single shared link to access an album. Share it with as many people as you want.

Can I password protect albums?

Yes, when generating a link in OneDrive, switch on the "Require recipients to sign-in" option to force password authentication.

Do recipients need OneDrive accounts to view shared albums?

No, shared OneDrive photo album links work with any email address even if the recipient does not have OneDrive or a Microsoft account. No signup needed.

Can I post OneDrive albums on social media directly?

Yes, you can natively share OneDrive albums on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks directly from the OneDrive interface.

What happens if I delete photos from a shared album?

Deleting photos removes them for all recipients with access to that shared album. The deleted photos disappear from their view of the album as well.

Can I easily tell if a photo is part of a shared album?

In OneDrive web view, you'll see a small "shared" icon overlay on photos that are shared via links. This helps identify shared status.

Do recipients need to sign-in to view albums every time?

If using a private browser window, recipients may need to sign-in repeatedly. Have them enable cookies to remember their access credentials.

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