Moving photos from Dropbox to OneDrive allows you to take advantage of Microsoft's cloud storage system. OneDrive offers more free storage, deeper integration with Windows and Microsoft apps, and excellent photo management capabilities. This guide will show you how to easily export photos from Dropbox and import them into OneDrive.
There are a few key reasons you may want to switch from Dropbox to OneDrive for storing your photos:
More free storage: OneDrive offers 5 GB storage for free, compared to Dropbox's 2 GB. For Office 365 subscribers, OneDrive storage increases to 1 TB.
Better integration: OneDrive integrates seamlessly with Windows and other Microsoft apps like Word, Excel, and Photos for automatic syncing and sharing.
Superior photo management: OneDrive makes it easy to view, organize, share, and find photos with auto-tagging and search functions.
Before moving your photos, check how much storage the files will require and make sure you have enough free space in OneDrive. It's also a good idea to create a separate folder just for photos to keep things organized.
When exporting from Dropbox, you can choose to transfer your entire photo library or only specific folders. Decide if you want all of your Dropbox photos in OneDrive or only certain albums/folders.
Exporting prepares your files for downloading from Dropbox. Here are the key steps:
This creates a zipped folder containing all selected photos for easy transfer.
Once exported, the photos will be in a zipped folder in your designated local download location. Make note of where this folder is saved.
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With your photos downloaded locally, it's time to upload them to OneDrive:
You can upload your Dropbox photos to OneDrive either via web browser or the OneDrive app.
The upload time will vary based on the number and size of photos.
Once your photos finish uploading to OneDrive, there are lots of ways to view, organize, share and utilize them:
The Photos view in OneDrive automatically organizes your pictures by date and allows you to see them in a gallery format. You can also create albums to group photos however you like.
In OneDrive you can securely share individual photos, entire albums, or all photos with friends and family. Manage access settings on shared content.
Switching your photo storage from Dropbox to OneDrive comes with some great perks:
OneDrive has tight integration with Outlook, Word, Excel and other Microsoft apps for seamless sharing and usage of your photos. Photos auto-save from these apps to OneDrive.
You get more free base storage with OneDrive (5 GB vs 2 GB), with Office 365 subscribers receiving 1 TB of space. OneDrive storage can often be expanded for low monthly fees as well.
Moving your photos from Dropbox to OneDrive enables you to take full advantage of Microsoft's cloud storage environment. With helpful image management features, ample free storage, and integration with Windows and Office apps, OneDrive is a great destination for your photo library. Just export photos from Dropbox, create a folder in OneDrive, and upload to start enjoying the benefits.
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How do I select all my photos at once in Dropbox to export?
In the Photos section, click "Export" then select "All photos and albums" to quickly select your entire photo library for exporting rather than doing it album by album.
Can I keep my original Dropbox folder structure when importing to OneDrive?
Yes! When exporting from Dropbox, keep the zipped file structure intact. Then in OneDrive, upload the top-level folder which will retain all folders and organization.
Does OneDrive automatically synchronize photos?
Yes, once set up on your Windows computer or phone, the OneDrive app will automatically sync any new photos taken or saved locally to the cloud storage.
How can I share an entire OneDrive photo folder with someone?
Use the Share button at the top of any folder, enter the email address, set the access permissions to "can view" or "can edit", and other options for password protection and link sharing.
What are some tips for organizing photos in OneDrive?
Take advantage of search, automated time-based views, facial recognition features, custom tagging, star ratings to highlight favorites, and creating custom Albums to organize special events, people, places, etc.
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