Silhouettes are all about contrasts. The more the contrast the better the picture will be. It is often the bright colorful background and the dark foreground. The details of the subject in the foreground are never visible. Its just the outline that defines the subject. A dark background and a contrasting foreground with defined outlines is what makes a perfect silhouette. Simple backgrounds and foregrounds works best for you instead of complicated or complex backgrounds.
How do you ensure that something that you are capturing becomes a silhouette? Following are the tips you can follow or refer to ensure this.
1. The darker the foreground is, the better the silhouette is. To ensure a darker foreground, lower the foreground lighting.
2. A perfect silhouette is where the background is bright and the foreground is dark. To ensure a brighter background, or to brighten the background increase the contrast between front and back.
3. In a silhouette where the background stands out is appealing to the eyes. To ensure that your background catches all the attention which it should, underexpose the foreground to make it go black so the background stands out.
4. Or you can also overexpose the background so it darkens the foreground object.
5. If any of the above tricks doesn't work, then do a little post-processing or post-editing. Post-process the image to blacken the silhouette and brighten the background.
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