The photos in 'Photos' app are arranged by Moment, Collection and Year. It uses Moments, Collections and Years views to automatically organize your photos and videos. It organizes your photos and videos by time and location which is useful to find the photos that you are looking for.
To see photos organized by moment, collection, and year, open "Photos" app and click "Photos" located in the toolbar. Click a moment, collection or year to see the photos in it. Pinch open on the moment, collection or year located on trackpad.
Click "<" (Back button) or pinch closed on a moment or collection to go back and view previous view of photos. You can press the Up or Down Arrow key to scroll up or down in any view. You can also swipe up or down with two finger to scroll up or down in any view.
Automate backup & migration of your photos & videos with support for all top services.
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“Your pictures are scattered. PicBackMan helps you bring order to your digital memories.”