Organizing photos in folders is the way of sorting a bunch of photos, which people click by the hour these days. The sheer volume of photos which people take with their camera phones and digital cameras is dizzying and it is important to organize them in a way which makes it easy to locate them properly.
There are much online software available for you to organize photos and some are specially designed to organize the photos & videos in a chronological order. Among them, you should have a look at
Tru is a simple & fast going software which is advanced developed for organizing digital photos & videos. It picks up photos from all folders you specify and unifies them into a simply organized structure - after handling all duplicates. Most of us have all our photos - our precious memories - dispersed all over on different folder on our computers, on our phone, on our Facebook account, on Flickr and many such places. It is next to impossible to see them all together, let alone try to find a photo you need from last summer. Tru solves this exact problem, by simply and automatically, pulling all your photos together and organizing them in Month-Year (Jan 2016) folders based on the date the photo was taken.
Tru is free to start and you can upgrade to our Premium versions based on your needs. Tru is available for Windows as well as Mac and your subscription works across all platforms.