Photobucket is the world's popular photo and video sharing service. It is designed for uploading photos, videos and HTML images. It offers 2 GB of free storage space to store photos and videos. It allows you to embed your photo and video link to blogs and forums. If you like to link to blogs and forums, then you will get up to 10GB per month of bandwidth free. If you want more bandwidth, then you can upgrade your free account to Pro account. It allows you to share photos and videos across all of the most popular networking sites. Moving photos from Picasa to Photobucket account is easy. In just few steps you can easily move & backup photos to Photobucket.
Following are the steps to Move Photos from Picasa Web to Photobucket:
- Go to & sign in to your account.
- You will see all your photo and video albums.
- Click your photo from an album which you want to download.
- You will see a photo in bigger size.
- Click "Actions" button located at top of the photo.
- Select "Download photo" option.
- Your browser prompts you to save .zip file, then click "Save" and specify a location to download. The downloaded zip file will contain the photo from the Picasa web.
- Your Photo will now be downloaded to computer.
- Go to & sign in to your account. If you don't have an account, then create one.
- Click "Upload" button located at top of the window.
- A "Upload from:" window opens up. You will see "Upload to" option.
- You will see 2 options, "Create a new album" or "Your Bucket".
- Select any one of the above 2 options. If you select "Create a new album" option, then enter album name, description and click "Create" button to create a new album.
- Click "Choose photos & videos".
- A "File upload" window opens up. Select the photos which you want to upload.
- Click "Ok" button.
- You have another option to upload the photos i.e "Drag-and-drop". Here you can simply drag your photos directly from your computer to a location in your Photobucket.
- This is how you can move photos from Picasa to Photobucket.
You can install PicBackMan's Photobucket uploader for Mac from the website and start backing up photos and videos.