How to Move Photos from OneDrive to Google Drive?

Shreyas Patil SEO
Shreyas PatilUpdated :
Move Photos from OneDrive to Google Drive: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's digital age, our photos are some of our most treasured possessions. With the proliferation of cloud storage services, many of us find ourselves using multiple platforms to store our memories. However, there may come a time when you need to consolidate your photo collection or simply prefer one cloud service over another. If you're wondering how to move photos from OneDrive to Google Drive, you've come to the right place.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through various methods to transfer your photos, ensuring that your precious memories are safely migrated from Microsoft's OneDrive to Google's cloud storage solution. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or a casual user, we'll cover techniques suitable for all levels of expertise.

Moving photos between cloud storage services doesn't have to be a daunting task. There are several methods you can employ to transfer your images from OneDrive to Google Drive. Let's explore the most efficient and user-friendly approaches to accomplish this task.

Method 1: Download and Upload

The most straightforward method to move your photos is the classic download-and-upload approach. While it may not be the quickest for large collections, it's simple and doesn't require any third-party tools.

  1. Log in to your OneDrive account through a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the photos you wish to transfer.
  3. Select the photos you want to move. You can use Ctrl+Click (Windows) or Cmd+Click (Mac) to select multiple files.
  4. Click the "Download" button to save the selected photos to your computer.
  5. Once downloaded, log in to your Google Drive account.
  6. Click the "New" button and select "File upload" or "Folder upload" depending on how you've organized your photos.
  7. Choose the downloaded photos from your computer and upload them to Google Drive.

This method ensures that you have a local backup of your photos during the transfer process. However, it can be time-consuming for large photo collections and may require significant local storage space.

Using the OneDrive Desktop App

To streamline the download process, you can use the OneDrive desktop application:

  1. Install and set up the OneDrive desktop app on your computer.
  2. Your OneDrive files will sync to a local folder on your computer.
  3. Open the local OneDrive folder and copy the photos you want to transfer.
  4. Paste these photos into your local Google Drive folder (if you have the Google Drive desktop app installed) or upload them through the web interface.

This approach can be faster as it eliminates the need to manually download files from the OneDrive website.

Leveraging Third-Party Tools for Bulk Transfers

When dealing with a large number of photos, third-party tools can significantly expedite the transfer process. These tools are designed to move files between cloud services with minimal user intervention.

MultCloud: A Cloud-to-Cloud Transfer Solution

MultCloud is a popular web-based service that allows you to manage and transfer files across multiple cloud storage accounts.

To use MultCloud for transferring photos:

  1. Create a free MultCloud account.
  2. Add both your OneDrive and Google Drive accounts to MultCloud.
  3. Navigate to the "Cloud Transfer" feature.
  4. Select OneDrive as the source and Google Drive as the destination.
  5. Choose the specific folders or files you want to transfer.
  6. Click "Transfer Now" to begin the process.

MultCloud offers several advantages:

  • It transfers files directly between cloud services, saving your bandwidth.
  • You can schedule transfers to occur at specific times.
  • The service supports large file transfers and can handle interruptions gracefully.

Rclone: For the Tech-Savvy User

Rclone is a command-line program that can sync files and directories to and from various cloud storage providers. While it requires some technical knowledge to set up and use, it's incredibly powerful and efficient.

To use Rclone:

  1. Download and install Rclone on your computer.
  2. Configure Rclone to work with both OneDrive and Google Drive.
  3. Use the command rclone copy onedrive:Photos googledrive:Photos to transfer photos from OneDrive to Google Drive.

Rclone is particularly useful for:

  • Handling very large photo collections efficiently.
  • Automating regular transfers through scripts or scheduled tasks.
  • Providing detailed control over the transfer process.

Organizing Your Photos During the Transfer

As you move your photos from OneDrive to Google Drive, it's an excellent opportunity to organize your collection. Here are some tips to keep your photos well-structured:

  1. Create a logical folder structure: Before transferring, plan a folder hierarchy that makes sense for your photo collection. You might organize by year, event, or location.

  2. Use consistent naming conventions: Rename your files and folders with a consistent format. For example, "YYYY-MM-DD_EventName" for easy sorting and searching.

  3. Take advantage of Google Photos: If you're using Google Drive in conjunction with Google Photos, consider enabling the "Upload photos and videos to Google Photos" option in Google Drive settings. This will automatically organize your photos by date and make them searchable using Google's AI technology.

  4. Remove duplicates: Use tools like Google Photos' built-in duplicate finder or third-party applications to identify and remove duplicate photos before or after the transfer.

  5. Add metadata: If your photos lack proper metadata (like date taken or location), consider using photo management software to add this information before uploading to Google Drive.

By organizing your photos during the transfer process, you'll create a more manageable and enjoyable photo collection in your new Google Drive storage.

Ensuring Data Integrity and Security

When moving photos from OneDrive to Google Drive, it's crucial to ensure that your data remains intact and secure throughout the process. Here are some best practices to protect your precious memories:

Verify File Integrity

After transferring your photos, it's important to verify that they have been copied correctly:

  1. Compare file counts between the source and destination folders.
  2. Use checksum tools to verify file integrity for important photos.
  3. Randomly sample transferred photos to ensure they open correctly and maintain their quality.

Maintain Privacy and Security

Both OneDrive and Google Drive offer security features, but it's up to you to use them effectively:

  1. Enable two-factor authentication on both your Microsoft and Google accounts.
  2. Review and adjust sharing settings for your photos in Google Drive after the transfer.
  3. Be cautious when using third-party transfer tools and only grant necessary permissions.

Create Backups

Before initiating any large-scale transfer:

  1. Create a backup of your OneDrive photos on an external hard drive or another cloud service.
  2. Consider keeping the original files on OneDrive until you've verified the successful transfer to Google Drive.

By following these security measures, you can ensure that your photo collection remains safe and intact throughout the migration process.

Optimizing Your Google Drive Experience Post-Transfer

Once you've successfully moved your photos from OneDrive to Google Drive, it's time to optimize your new storage environment for the best photo management experience.

Utilize Google Photos Integration

If you're not already using Google Photos, consider enabling it:

  1. Go to Google Drive settings.
  2. Check the box next to "Automatically put your Google Photos into a folder in My Drive."
  3. This creates a "Google Photos" folder in your Drive, allowing you to access your photos from both services.

Google Photos offers powerful features like:

  • Facial recognition for easy person tagging.
  • Location-based organization.
  • AI-powered search capabilities.

Set Up Google Drive File Stream

For seamless access to your Google Drive files from your desktop:

  1. Download and install Google Drive File Stream (now called Google Drive for desktop).
  2. This application creates a virtual drive on your computer, allowing you to access your Google Drive files without syncing everything locally.

Explore Google Drive's Collaboration Features

Take advantage of Google Drive's robust sharing and collaboration tools:

  1. Create shared albums for family events or group projects.
  2. Use Google Drive's commenting feature to collaborate on photo selections or edits.
  3. Leverage Google Drive's version history to track changes to edited photos.

By optimizing your Google Drive setup, you'll not only have successfully transferred your photos but also enhanced your overall photo management experience.

Quick Tip to ensure your videos never go missing

Download PicBackMan

Videos are precious memories and all of us never want to ever lose them to hard disk crashes or missing drives. PicBackMan is the easiest and simplest way to keep your videos safely backed up in one or more online accounts. Simply Download PicBackMan (it's free!), register your account, connect to your online store and tell PicBackMan where your videos are - PicBackMan does the rest, automatically. It bulk uploads all videos and keeps looking for new ones and uploads those too. You don't have to ever touch it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to transfer photos from OneDrive to Google Drive?

The time it takes to transfer photos depends on several factors, including the number and size of photos, your internet speed, and the method you use. For a few hundred photos, it might take an hour or less. For thousands of photos, it could take several hours or even days. Using cloud-to-cloud transfer services can significantly reduce transfer times compared to manual methods.

Will I lose photo quality when moving from OneDrive to Google Drive?

When transferring photos from OneDrive to Google Drive, the original quality of your photos should be maintained. Both services support a wide range of file formats and typically do not compress or alter your original files. However, it's always a good idea to verify the quality of a sample of transferred photos to ensure they've been moved correctly.

Can I move my photos to Google Drive without downloading them first?

Yes, you can move photos from OneDrive to Google Drive without downloading them to your local device first. Third-party services like MultCloud allow for direct cloud-to-cloud transfers. Alternatively, you can use the desktop applications for both OneDrive and Google Drive to copy files between synced folders on your computer without manually downloading and uploading.

Is it safe to use third-party tools to transfer my photos?

Many third-party tools for cloud-to-cloud transfers are reputable and safe to use. However, it's important to research and choose well-known, trusted services. Look for tools that use secure encryption methods and don't store your login credentials. Always review the permissions you're granting to these services and revoke access once your transfer is complete.

What should I do if some photos fail to transfer?

If some photos fail to transfer, first check if there were any error messages that might indicate the cause. Common issues include file size limits, connectivity problems, or temporary service disruptions. Try transferring the failed photos again, possibly in smaller batches. If problems persist, you may need to transfer these files manually or use a different transfer method.

Can I keep my folder structure when moving photos to Google Drive?

Yes, you can maintain your folder structure when moving photos from OneDrive to Google Drive. When using desktop applications or third-party transfer tools, you often have the option to preserve the existing folder hierarchy. If you're manually uploading, you can recreate your folder structure in Google Drive before uploading your photos to the corresponding folders.


Moving photos from OneDrive to Google Drive doesn't have to be a complex or stressful process. By following the methods and tips outlined in this guide, you can efficiently transfer your precious memories while maintaining their organization and integrity. Whether you choose the simple download-and-upload method, leverage desktop applications, or utilize powerful third-party tools, the key is to approach the task methodically and with patience.

Remember to prioritize the security of your data throughout the transfer process and take the opportunity to organize and optimize your photo collection. With your photos now safely stored in Google Drive, you can take full advantage of its features and integration with other Google services to enhance your photo management experience.

As cloud storage technologies continue to evolve, the process of moving data between services is becoming increasingly streamlined. By staying informed about the latest tools and best practices, you can ensure that your digital memories are always accessible, secure, and well-organized, regardless of which cloud platform you choose to use.

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