Silhouette is one of the most interesting technique in photography. Silhouette is all about the high contrast between the background and foreground of a photo. A silhouette is largely about a back-lit background and a dark foreground. The art of silhouette lies in the shape of the subject in the foreground and the magical light effects or the brightly lit background. Its simplicity is what makes it attractive.
Many people think, that it needs a special gear or camera to capture a silhouette. That's not true. All you need is a camera that allows you to have some control over the exposure settings, that's it. Read on to know how you can create a silhouette with any camera.
2. Find out an interesting subject that can help you make an interesting silhouette. The whole look and feel of your silhouette largely depends on the subject you choose.
3. The details of the subject like expressions, eye color, wrinkles, freckles etc. are least important to you. The main attention should be paid to the outlines of your subjects
4. Use a manual mode to have full control over the exposure settings.
5. To get the most stunning silhouette, hide the sun behind your subject and then take photos. You'll be surprised to see the results.
Bonus tip: Shoot during golden-hour. It gives you an opportunity to capture the dramatic light at this time. And your silhouettes look simple stunning.
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