Big brands, businesses and companies all over the world have begun to understand the value of internet visibility, social media and customer interactions. We have seen their Twitter accounts, Facebook & Google pages, now what? Now its time to Instagram. Yes, your read it right. Instagram is the new platform where these big brands and businesses are headed. In recent times (since the launch of Instagram) we have seen various brands & businesses use Instagram to connect with consumers. Most of these social media platforms are used to drive marketing campaign and increase long term revenue. Digital and marketing professionals are aware of the most popular and growing social media platforms. Probably that's the reason most of the Fortune 500 are headed towards Instagram. See the stats below and decide if you need Instagram for your Brand / business. #1. 25% of Fortune 500 companies now use Instagram. #2. 40% of the top 1000 most shared Instagram videos are posted by big brands. #3. Average Instagram posts posted per week by top 100 brands is 5.5 posts. #4. Average amount of Instagram posts by Top 100 brands per week: 5.5 posts #5. 43% of top 100 brands post daily on Instagram. #6. 4% of the posts posted by top 100 brands are videos. #7. The top 100 brands on Instagram have seen an increase of 1.5x in user engagement for photo posts over videos. #8. Peanuts’ Snoopygram was the most shared Instavid, racking up 26,962 shares. (Oct 2013) #9. 'Nike' is the most popular brand on Instagram with 3,781,643 followers and 23,723,019 posts on their hashtag. #10. The most shared brand on Instavid is MTV, with 84 videos in the top 1,000, accruing 134,110 shares. (Oct 2013) #11. Thursday is the most common day for Fortune 500 Instagram accounts to post.
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