As you walk into a wedding venue, what impresses is howthoughtful and bridal every corner looks like. The theme the splash of colors, the vintage, rustic, chic feel all bringing in a vibrancy which stays days after the ceremony. The centrepieces blend into the theme and are definite eye-catchers. Wedding photographers who wish to capture intricate details as a part of capturing the story of their client, would be looking out for photographing opportunities and centrepieces are on the list. While there is a range of ideas for the centrepieces, here are a few tips for amateurs who wish to capture them.
Tips for amateurs to shoot centrepieces:
1. Floral Arrangements
Floral arrangements bring in that fresh, pure and fragrant feel. The spread (which are at times seasonal) with lilies, dahlias and roses give a gorgeous feel. As a photographer, you would wish to use spot focus mode to capture the floral arrangements as centrepieces. Explore the exposure settings; try various angles to get the best shot. It is advisable not to use direct flash and try the clam style of lighting.
2. Balloons, Books, Picture frames and more
Creative centrepiece ideas with non-floral arrangement can spring in that zing. To capture books, picture frames; try to get a close shot of the object. Blurring the background just focusing on the book title or the picture frames will give an intimate shot. A zoom lens from the gear could be used.
3. Candles, Candelabras, Lanterns, Lights …
The effect of lights is dynamic; it livens up everything else in vicinity. For capturing candles, lanterns and lighting zones as centrepieces you could enhance warmth and remember not to overexpose. You could also consider using a tripod and experiment with the ISO.
4. Beach and Outdoors
Capturing the centrepieces on the beach and outdoors. The shell centrepiece with beach ideas can be inspiring. The backdrop will make an awesome set-up to capture the centrepieces. Photographers would need to take care of the harsh sunlight, using supplementary gear to fill shadows, setting ISO to as low as possible, and use a shallow depth of field could be considered. Try capturing centrepieces in shade to get good results.
5. Tall centrepieces
To capture tall centrepieces, you could try and shoot from a distance, and try working with a narrow depth of field. Shooting vertically can also enhance the object being captured.