iMovie is a great video editing app that comes free with Mac computers. It allows you to import video clips, arrange them in a timeline, add transitions and effects, and export your finished movies. A key feature in iMovie is Events - which are folders that hold your imported media. Within Events, you can create separate Projects to edit your clips into movies.
Sometimes you may want to copy or move clips between different Events or Projects in iMovie. For example, you shot some footage for one video, but realize a certain clip would work better in another project. Or you want to consolidate media from various Events into one Event or Project.
Copying and moving clips in iMovie is easy once you know how. Read on to learn the step-by-step process!
The first step is to select the clip or clips you want to copy/move between Events or Projects. Here's how:
The selected clip(s) are now ready to be copied/moved!
Copying clips allows you to duplicate media between Events and Projects. Here's how to do it:
That's it! The clips are now copied over to the new Event/Project. You can repeat these steps to continue copying clips between different Events and Projects.
If you want to actually move clips (instead of copying), follow these steps:
The clips are now moved to the new Event/Project. They are removed from the original.
That's all there is to it! With these simple copy/paste or cut/paste commands, you can easily transfer clips between different Events and Projects in iMovie.
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Here are some of the main reasons you may want to copy or move clips:
If you have clips scattered among different Events or Projects, you can copy them into one Event/Project to consolidate media in one place for a specific movie project.
While editing, you may realize a clip works better in a different project. Simply copy or move it over.
Copying clips lets you re-use media in multiple projects. The same clip can be included in different movies.
Move unused clips into a dedicated ‘Unused’ Event to declutter Projects and keep them organized.
Here are some tips for effectively managing your media with iMovie Events and Projects:
It's best practice to create a new Event for each separate film shoot or imported batch of media. This keeps things organized.
Give your Events descriptive names based on the shoot date, location or purpose to easily identify media.
Organize your clips into separate Projects based on scenes or sequences in your movie.
Try to shoot short 3-10 second video clips. This gives you more flexibility to copy and move clips between Projects.
As you edit, frequently move unused clips to a ‘Unused’ Event to clean up Projects.
Here are some common questions about copying and moving clips in iMovie:
Hold the Command key while clicking to select multiple clips in the timeline. Then use Command + C to copy and Command + V to paste the group of clips.
No, copying or moving clips does NOT create additional media files on your Mac. It simply references the same files in a new Event/Project.
Unfortunately no - there is no undo option for clip transfers in iMovie. You have to manually move clips back to the original Event/Project.
Moving a clip removes it from the original Event/Project. The media file still exists on your Mac, but is only referenced in the new location.
Events can hold hundreds of hours of clips. But it's best to limit Projects to 5-10 minutes for stability. If too large, break into multiple Projects.
That covers the complete process for copying and moving clips between Events and Projects in iMovie! Follow the simple select, copy/cut, paste workflow to easily transfer clips between locations.
Be sure to create new Events for each media import and organize clips into distinct Projects. With good Event/Project management, you can edit multiple movies and find any clip you need.
Stick with short 3-10 second shot clips for maximum flexibility in copying/moving. And remove unused clips to clean up your timeline.
For more iMovie tips, check out Apple's iMovie user guide. Now get out there, shoot some footage, and organize it like a pro in iMovie!
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