Wedding Photography always comes with certain amount of pressure. You have to get the job done perfectly because there is no other chance if you miss the shot. A little planning & preparation needs to be done before hand. It is always better to jot down points or in other words a checklist of tasks to be done. If you have never done it before, do it for your next wedding project. We have listed some pointers to help you prepare a checklist that you can refer. Wedding photography checklist : 1. A week before the ceremony, verify if there are any changes in the schedule or location. If possible set up a meeting with the couple and discuss important events / moments that they would want to get captured. 2. Communicate with bride & groom. Ask them some questions like how long will you stay? What locations will you cover? What style of pictures will you shoot? The must-have poses etc. 3. Plan for a visit to the location before the wedding day (preferably in the same lighting conditions). 4. Check your gear & equipments before leaving for the ceremony. Check if your camera, flash, lenses etc. are working well. It is always advisable to keep spare batteries (fully charged), extra memory cards( for any kind of malfunction) & most importantly the backup & storage devices (external Hard drive etc.). 5. Be there before time. so you get a chance to shoot the location and capture moments like bride & Grooms entry. 6. Dress properly. It should be comfortable to move around easily. 7. Keep your mind calm and reactions neutral. The bride and groom will appreciate your patience. 8. Make a contract. No wedding photography checklist is complete without mention of a contract. In the contract mention all the things like logistics of locations, start times, durations & What services you will provide along with their associated fees, and delivery dates. 9. Ask the bride and groom to assign someone from the family who knows all the 'players,' to help you find people and call them over when they are needed. 10. Your shooting schedule doesn't have to be too rigid, it can simply have an approximate order of shots. 11. Sometimes, as a photographer, you'll make a mistake. Perhaps, your equipment will malfunction. Whatever happens, try to recover as early as you can.
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