Smugmug is a photo sharing website & image hosting service. Smugmug allows you to upload HD photos & videos to your Smugmug account. Smugmug was launched in 2002, founded by father and son Chris and Don MacAskill. Smugmug allows you to create your own website & to choose modern themes. You can choose dozens of elegant themes for your photo gallery so your photos will look very elegant. Smugmug offers you a fresh & cleanly designed galleries to showcase your photos. Smugmug offers you free trial for 14 days.
a) If you choose "To New Gallery":
- A "New Gallery" window opens-up.
- Enter gallery name, description, privacy level & click "Enter" button.
- The "Upload to" window opens-up.
- "File upload" window opens up. Browse & select photos that you want to upload.
- "Click "Open" button.
- You will see "Upload complete" message.
- If you want to upload more photos then click "Click to Browse" button.
- Click "Done" button.
b) If you choose "To Existing Gallery":
- A "Choose a gallery" window opens-up.
- Choose an existing gallery to upload photos.
- Click "Done" button.
- The "Upload to" window opens-up.
- "File upload" window opens up. Browse & select photos that you want to upload.
- "Click "Open" button.
- You will see "Upload complete" message.
- If you want to upload more photos then click "Click to Browse" button.
- Click "Done" button.
Automate backup & migration of your photos & videos with support for all top services.
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