OneDrive or SkyDrive is a cloud storage and file hosting service that allows you to backup photos and videos to access them from a web browser or client software. Videos uploaded to your OneDrive account are available only to you unless you decide to share it with others. It offers 15 GB of free storage space to all its users. You have two options to share OneDrive photos and videos with others i.e. 'Invite people' and 'Get a link'. When you choose 'Get a link' option then you can share files and folders with lots of people. If you are looking for a step by step process to share photos from OneDrive with others on Android phone, read below.
You can install PicBackMan's SkyDrive uploader for Mac from the website and start backing up photos and videos.
Automate backup & migration of your photos & videos with support for all top services.
Trusted by users in 125+ countries.
“Your pictures are scattered. PicBackMan helps you bring order to your digital memories.”