Offline Photo Backup Software
A survey conducted in the year 2009 stated that nearly one out of three consumers don’t feel the need to back up their photos. One-fourth of them said that they don’t do it because it’s time-consuming. However, with the change in time, the scenario has changed. Today more and more people are using digital point and shoot cameras. So, the desire to have a concrete photo backup plan has increased dramatically. This has to lead us to look-up and search for various backing up tools, media and software.
The safest way to have a photo backup is in the form of prints. But, we can’t really have a print for all of our digital photos. It’ll be an expensive deal for sure. So, what do we do in that case? Shall we use CDs and DVDs or say BR-D (BluRay Disk)? We can use them but we know that they come with an expiry date and may malfunction any day. Same is the case with hard disks, though they give us a large space to backup photos, they may fail any day. Recovery is a big problem while using these medias.
One better way (won’t say best) is to use offline photo backup software. It automatically backup your photos onto your system’s hard disk and upload them to your online accounts. Using this offline photo backup software you can be sure that your memories are safely stored in an online environment and can be accessed from anywhere. It also keeps a check on new photos added to the folder. On detection, it automatically upload them to your online spaces like Foursquare, SmugMug, Instagram, Flickr etc.