How to Share Photos from Apple Photos app to Flickr on Mac?

Shreyas Patil SEO
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How to Share Photos from Apple Photos app to Flickr on Mac?

Sharing photos online is a great way to showcase your photography skills and connect with other photographers. With Flickr being one of the most popular photo sharing platforms, many Mac users with Apple Photos wonder how they can get their photos from the Photos app onto Flickr.

Fortunately, it's easy to share photos from Apple Photos to Flickr directly from your Mac. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through the step-by-step process to upload photos to Flickr using the Photos app on Mac.

Prerequisites for Sharing Photos from Apple Photos to Flickr

Before we get started, there are a few things you'll need to share photos from Apple Photos to Flickr:

  • The latest version of Apple Photos app installed on your Mac
  • A Flickr account
  • An active internet connection on your Mac
  • The photos saved in the Apple Photos library that you want to share on Flickr

As long as you meet these requirements, you'll be ready to share photos from Apple Photos to Flickr in no time.

Method 1

Sharing photos from Apple Photos to Flickr on a Mac is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do it:

Step 1: Set Up Flickr Account

  1. Create a Flickr Account: If you don’t already have a Flickr account, visit Flickr's website and sign up.
  2. Download the Flickr App: While not necessary for uploading from a Mac, it’s useful for managing your account.

Step 2: Prepare Your Photos in Apple Photos

  1. Open Apple Photos: Find the Photos app on your Mac and open it.
  2. Select Your Photos: Browse your library and select the photos you want to upload to Flickr. You can select multiple photos by holding down the Command key and clicking on each photo.

Step 3: Export Photos from Apple Photos

  1. Export Photos: With your photos selected, click on “File” in the top menu bar, then select “Export” > “Export Photos”.
  2. Choose Export Settings: Select your preferred file format and image quality. JPEG is commonly used.
  3. Export Location: Choose a folder where you want to save the exported photos temporarily, like your Desktop.

Step 4: Upload Photos to Flickr

  1. Open Web Browser: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Flickr website.
  2. Log In: Log into your Flickr account.
  3. Upload Photos: Click on the “Upload” icon (usually a cloud with an upward arrow) at the top right of the Flickr page.
  4. Select Photos: Navigate to the folder where you exported the photos from Apple Photos and select them for upload.
  5. Add to Albums/Tags (Optional): Before finalizing the upload, you can add your photos to albums or tag them for better organization.
  6. Set Privacy Settings: Choose who can see the photos you’re uploading (Public, Friends, Family, etc.).

Step 5: Finalize Upload

  1. Upload Photos: Once you've chosen your settings and organized your photos, click “Upload” to start the process.
  2. Wait for the Upload to Complete: Depending on the number and size of photos, this might take a while.

Step 6: Cleanup (Optional)

  1. Delete Exported Photos: If you don’t need the exported photos on your Mac, you can delete them from the folder you exported them to.

Additional Tips

  • Backup Your Photos: Always keep a backup of your original photos.
  • Check Flickr's Terms: Be aware of Flickr’s terms of service, especially regarding copyright and photo ownership.
  • Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to avoid upload interruptions.

Once these steps are completed, your photos will be available on your Flickr account for you to share, organize, and display as you wish.

Method 2

Step-by-Step Guide to Share Photos from Apple Photos to Flickr on Mac

1. Open Apple Photos App and Select Photos

First, open the Apple Photos app on your Mac. Browse and select the photos you want to share to Flickr. You can select one, multiple, or all photos.

2. Click the Share Button

At the top right of your Photos window, click the Share button (it looks like a box with an arrow pointing up).

3. Choose Flickr

In the sharing options that appear, choose "Flickr" to share your selected photos.

4. Sign in to your Flickr Account

You'll be prompted to sign in to your Flickr account if you're not already signed in. Enter your Flickr username and password and click Sign In.

This will authenticate your Flickr account with Apple Photos.

5. Enter Photo Details

Once signed in, you'll see the photo upload window where you can enter details about the photos you're sharing:

  • Album: Choose what album on Flickr you want to upload the photos to. You can select an existing album or create a new one.
  • Title: Enter a title for each photo or choose to use the photo's filename.
  • Description: Add an optional description for each photo.
  • Tags: Enter relevant tags to make the photos easily discoverable on Flickr. Separate tags with commas.

6. Adjust Upload Settings

Below the photo details, there are a few settings you can adjust:

  • Privacy: Choose who can view the photo - Public, Friends & Family, or Private.
  • Safety Level: Select a safety level like Safe, Moderate, or Restricted.
  • Content Type: Specify if it's a Photo, Screenshot or Other.
  • Hidden: Check this if you want to hide the photo from public searches on Flickr.

7. Upload Photos to Flickr

Once you've entered all the details, click Upload to start sharing your photos from Apple Photos to your Flickr account.

The progress will be shown, and it may take a few minutes depending on the number and size of photos.

8. Photos Shared to Flickr

When done, you'll get a confirmation that the photos have been shared to Flickr successfully. The photos will now be available in your Flickr account in the album you selected.

And that's it! By following these easy steps, you can seamlessly share your photos from the Apple Photos app directly to your Flickr profile.

Key Things to Remember When Sharing Photos to Flickr

To recap, here are some key things to remember when sharing photos from Apple Photos to Flickr:

  • Select the photos in Apple Photos you want to share before starting the upload process. You can select one, multiple or all.
  • Make sure you're signed into Flickr in Apple Photos to link the accounts.
  • Enter metadata like title, description, tags, etc to maximize discoverability on Flickr.
  • Adjust privacy and safety level as per your preferences. Hidden photos won't show up in public searches.
  • Photos are added to the album you choose or create new in Flickr.
  • Use albums to organize your Flickr photos rather than dumping everything into one big collection.

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Tips for Sharing Great Photos on Flickr

Now that you know how to upload photos from Apple Photos to Flickr, here are some tips to share great photos that people will enjoy on Flickr:

  • Select your best work. Refine and curate the photos instead of bulk uploading everything.
  • Use relevant titles and descriptions so viewers understand the photos.
  • Tag thoughtfully with keywords people may search for.
  • Engage with the community by commenting on other photos and joining Groups.
  • Respect copyrights, only share photos you have the rights to. Credit others where applicable.
  • Consider disabling downloading if you want to protect your work.
  • Make use of Creative Commons licensing to specify how others can use your photos.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can share photos on Flickr in a meaningful way to showcase your work while respecting the community.

Common Issues When Uploading Photos from Apple Photos to Flickr

Though the process to share photos from Apple Photos to Flickr is fairly straightforward, sometimes issues can occur. Here are some common ones to watch out for:

Long upload times - Very large or high-resolution photos will take longer to upload. Be patient and let the uploads finish. Use Wi-Fi if uploading many large photos.

Missing metadata - Details like titles and tags may sometimes not carry over. Add them manually before uploading for best results.

Error uploading - This is usually due to a poor internet connection. Try again when connected to a stable Wi-Fi network.

Can't sign into Flickr - Make sure you're entering the right username and password. If it persists, reset your Flickr password.

Photos not appearing in album - It may take some time for them to show up in Flickr. Also, check they weren't accidentally set to Private.

Limited to 200 photos - Free Flickr accounts can only upload 200 photos per month. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited uploads.

If issues persist, consult Flickr and Apple support pages for help troubleshooting further.


Uploading photos from your Apple Photos library to Flickr is a breeze with the direct sharing integration built into Photos for Mac. By following the steps outlined in this guide, selecting your best shots, adding relevant metadata, and engaging meaningfully with the Flickr community, you can share your photography passion with the world.

Some key takeaways:

  • Use the Share button to quickly select photos in Apple Photos to upload
  • Sign into your Flickr account directly from the Photos app
  • Enter titles, descriptions, tags, and choose an album to organize the uploads
  • Adjust privacy and safety levels based on your preferences
  • Be patient for large uploads, use Wi-Fi to avoid data overages
  • Engage with groups, comment on photos, and use Creative Commons licensing once uploaded

So go ahead, curate those great photos from your Apple Photos library and share them with proud Flickr users around the world. Let your unique perspectives and style shine through. Happy Flickr'ing!

FAQs About Sharing Apple Photos to Flickr

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about sharing photos from Apple Photos to Flickr:

How do I select multiple photos to share?

In Apple Photos, press and hold Command (⌘) and click on each photo you want to select. Or press Command-A to select all photos.

Can I reshare photos already shared to Flickr?

Yes, you can re-upload photos already on Flickr to update metadata or place them in a different album.

What image formats does Flickr support?

Flickr supports common formats like JPG, PNG, GIF and TIFF. Apple Photos will convert RAW files on upload.

What is the size limit for Flickr photos?

There is no size limit, but very large files (over 100MB) may fail to upload properly. For best results, keep photos under 30MB.

How do I create albums on Flickr?

In the Add to Album dropdown when sharing, click "Create New Set" to make a new album before uploading.

Can I upload photos from Flickr to Apple Photos?

Unfortunately direct download from Flickr to Apple Photos is not supported. You would need to download and re-import the photos manually.

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