Shooting newborn portrait photographs can present specific challenges with respect to the angle from which to take a great shot. The babies are generally bundled up and placed in a lying position so getting a clear photograph of the face can be difficult. Here are some angles you could try to get great newborn portrait photographs.
Close-ups of newborns make for the best newborn portrait photographs. They are tiny and all wrapped up so the face is practically the only part visible. Besides, a newborn’s close-up portrait is cherished by the family for years to come. While clicking a close-up, you will need to either physically move the camera close to the face or use a longer focal length. The latter is a better option so that you do not startle the baby sticking a camera close to their face.
Shoot from the baby’s level
This basically means you are lying on the floor next to the newborn. This may seem a bit difficult or awkward initially, but after a while you get used to it. Once comfortable, move around the baby and shoot from different angles at the baby’s height. You can get a range of portraits from these low down angles.
Shoot from above
You can shoot the newborn from directly above to get lying full-length portraits. These are fairly easy to shoot and you can hold the camera at a comfortable height and zoom in without disturbing the baby.
Holding the newborn in the arms
You can shoot the baby from the front at your normal height when someone is holding the baby in their arms. Here you will get a shot of the baby in an upright position. Also, these make for great newborn portrait photographs as they include the person holding them – parent, grandparent, godparents, or others. You could also make this the newborn’s first family portrait including both parents.
From a low angle
You can try shooting from a low angle when someone is holding the baby up, but this may not the best angle to shoot newborns. Try to get the shot when the baby is well supported and looking down at you from someone’ shoulder or lap.
Quick Tip to Backup your Digital Photos
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